Simple things to make your life better.
>> Sunday, October 11, 2009
Weird things I think about, try to do myself and wish that everyone I love would do for themselves as well.
Yes, I actually wrote all of this... it's not some stupid chain letter.
Stay away for Sugars and if you have to have them be smart about it.
Opt for Organic, fresh and locally grown foods. Not only are you supporting the people who are growing and raising things the right way, you're telling your body that it matters.
Cook your own meals at least 4 days a week, when you know what is going into your body you can expect what you're going to get out of it.
Only eat when you are hungry.
Love your body for every inch and curve, but don't let that love keep you from wanting to be healthy.
You are not defined by the size of clothes you wear, and remember plus size is a crock of shit.
When you are thirsty, drink water.
Trade your coffee for a high quality green tea, or any tea for that matter!
Take a month off from drinking alcohol, the break will let you body heal itself and you'll be amazed how much better you feel.
Have your dose of sunlight everyday, that means walk away from the computer and enjoy the outdoors. Get some vitamin D flowin.
Take a walk everyday, even if it's just around the block.
Smoking is outdated, just stop it for your own sake and those who love you.
Learn to breathe correctly; for the bottom to the top of your lungs, also remember to take the TIME to breathe.
Sleep in total darkness, you'll be more likely to be well rested when you wake in the morning.
Stop criticizing; yourself and everyone around you, and start living.
Accept that you deserve to be healthy and you have the ability to GET healthy.
Learn to take a break. Sometimes a breather is all we really need to get back on the right track and get the job done.
Go on vacation, even if it's just in your own bathtub XD.
Forget yesterday and tomorrow, live in the Here and Now. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change things you've done in the past, and trying to will only make the present just as crappy as your previous mistakes. Also, when you try to predict your future, you're generally wrong, so stop letting yourself down.
Stay in touch with your friends, even if you are “busy”, a simple IM or email can make people know you still care.
Listen to Music that makes you happy, and sing into some form of a hair brush as loud as you possibly can.
Keep on learning new things, the second you stop learning your life is over.
Practice Yoga, even if it's just the deep breathing parts.
Speak your mind; do not let anything stay bottled up for too long.
Talk to strangers, you never know what kind of awesome people might be sitting right next to you.
Get dirty. Far too many people don't know how satisfying it is to dig into the earth with their bare hands.
Sweat at least once a day, it does amazing things for your skin and you'll look and feel healthier.
Sing in your shower (even if you can’t sing).
Makes lists of things you need to get done. If you get it out of your head and onto a piece of paper you'll be much less likely to stress about it, and more likely to get it all done.
Have sex, passionately.
But don't forget there are more important things than sex.
"Making love" is underrated and far too often over looked.
Love someone.
Smile. People who see a smile on your face will have a better day as a result.
No matter what crappy thing is going on in your life, remember that there are far more people in the world that have it a billion times worse than you do.
And if your reading this, know that I care about you.
Thanks for reading :)
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