In Portland...

>> Saturday, December 19, 2009

Totally saw the Neutra Face Music video guy at a cigar shop today. I didn't want to geeky typophile fangirl out on him so I didn't ask to take a picture with him like I wanted to, booooo! Oh well, I squeed in my head anyway. 

Having a great time thus far and hope to bring out my camera tomorrow to snap some good shot. I haven't touched my camera in a few months, and I greatly dislike that.

That's all for now, 




I, the eternal optimist

>> Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's been a while, and I swear I'll be catching up on my "Nothing says _____ like Papyrus" asap, but I wanted to take a moment to share a site I found today that really makes me smile.

I was never a fan of the whole FML revelation. It just wasn't within my being to be so pessimistic about the world. We all get down from time to time, but with me I tend to pick myself back up within a day, if not within a few hours. is really the optimists version of I'm glad to see I'm not the only optimist left out there in the world and reading these bits of hope has really made my night. 

I'd also like to share my favorite. 

"Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of four years in a nice restaurant. When she said yes, the entire restaurant stood up and applauded.

We're both women.

Understanding of true love GMH."

Oh and something I love from Post Secret:



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