Words the equal my brain thoughts.

>> Friday, October 23, 2009

So there is this poet, that I've got a major literary crush on. 

Yes a literary crush. They do exist and I've had one for a while now. Someone who can really converse with me is a tantalizing sensation to me and it's much more likely to get me in the sack than any buffed up jock that skated his way through school on good looks and running the football team, or curvy dumb blond who thinks Shakespeare is solely that guy from the Gwyneth Paltrow movie. 

I love eloquent people.

Poetry has a special soft spot, within my soft spot for eloquent people and thus my literary crush came about. His stage name is Big Poppa E and the words that come from his mouth speak my brain thoughts. 

I wanted to share a few videos from him, my favorites and a new one that makes me smile and go "exactly!"


The recent one that hit home with me :)

Man do those words make me squirmy! XD


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